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Feb. 24, 2022

Jumping In A Frozen Lake....Not the Best Idea ever

Jumping In A Frozen Lake....Not the Best Idea ever

You have seen the videos off crazy people jumping in a hole that was cut out of thick ice. Snow around them and the water is cold it's black. It goes by many names, "The Polar Bear Plunge" or "Ice Dive" whatever they choose to name it, the result is the same...frozen body parts and shrunken man goods. Why would anybody with any sort of sane thought in their head do this? Drunk rage? Teenage testosterone pumping through their veins? Maybe a dare or maybe no reason at all. I can personally tell you that it is all of those things and toss in a little charity and bam....you are frozen.


I mean at least that was the case when we did the plunge. When I think back about that moment it's as if I can feel the lake freezing on my body weighing me down as I tried to come back up. It not only takes the breath right out of you but, turns it into frozen ice flakes. The pins and needles feeling doesn't go away for some time after you get out of the water. It is pure insanity and I can't say that I wouldn't do it again. I mean not now, I am far too tired and lazy but I would never rule it out. After all I did it 3 times in my life, in one way or another.


So if you don't want to freeze your butt off but want to know more...check the episode that just dropped yesterday and enjoy.